Activities Dentistry
- A lecture given by Dr. Harsh Desai Assistant Professor of Department of Dentistry on 09-06-2021 in MIMER Medical College, & Dr. BSTRH Talegaon D in the CME organized by MIMER Medical College on Role of Maxillofacial Surgeon in treatment of Mucormycosis.
- World Oral Health Day celebration was done by organizing a special Oral precancerous lesion detection and Dental health check up for school going children. A special documentary film was shown to the children and their parents to demonstrate scientific brushing, hazards of consuming tobacco and its related products on the oral cavity. Free samples of tooth brush and pastes, medicines, mouthwashes were given to the patients. New treatment modality Pit and Fissure sealants for the prevention of early caries in children. Total no of beneficiaries were 96.
- A comprehensive Oral Cancer Detection and Caries detection in Children camp was organized by Department of Dentistry in Dr. BSTRH Talegaon on 30th 31st MAY 2019 in view to screen patients for signs and symptoms of oral habits such as smoking, chewing tobacco and gutkha chewing. Children and their Parents were given demonstration of scientific brushing technique. Total 65 patients attended this camp.
- 7th Annual Research society conference was organized in MIMER Medical College Talegaon D on 07-12-2018 in collaboration with department of Biochemistry and Pediatrics and Radiology.Theme of the conference was “NUTRTION creating healthier lives.” Total 256 participants attended it.
Departmental Activities Report
- World Oral health Day celebration by the Dentistry dept. 20-3-2025 (Click for details)
- International Women’s Day celebration. lecture & oral screening of the female Non-teaching staff & free scaling & polishing of the female staff 10-3-2025 (Click for details)
- Ant addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 20-2-2025 (Click for details)
- Awareness talk on the occasion of International Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon’s Day 13-2-2025 (Click for details)
- World Cancer Day celebration Anti- addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 12-2-2025 (Click for details)
- Dental check-up at Aarogya Sampada Mahashibir 1-2-2025 (Click for details)
- Ant addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 15-1-2025 (Click for details)
- Multi diagnostic Medical Health check-up Camp For special Children 10-1-2025 (Click for details)
- Ant addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 8-1-2025 (Click for details)
- Medical Health Camp For school Children 12/12/2024 (Click for details)
- Ant addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 4/12/2024 (Click for details)
- Antimicrobial Stewardship Orientation and Sensitization Programme (Click for details)
- UHTC Speciality Report (Click for details)
- RHTC Speciality Report (Click for details)
- International Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon’s day celebration. (Click for details)
- Ant addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 15/11/2024 (Click for details)
- Ant addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 09/10/2024 (Click for details)
- Anti addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 25/09/2024 (Click for details)
- Anti addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 23/09/2024 (Click for details)
- Anti addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 21/09/2024 (Click for details)
- “World Patients safety day” presentation by the internship students. 18/09/2024 (Click for details)
- Multi-diagnostic Health Check-up camp 05/09/2024 (Click for details)
- Multispeciality Medical camp for Specially abled beneficiaries of Kamayani’s SJUK and Navkshitij 09/09/2024(Click for details)
- Multi-diagnostic Health Check-up camp for asha workers 20/08/2024(Click for details)
- Specialty visit for dental checkup at Rural health center Sadumbare. 08/08/2024 to 14/08/2024 (Click for details)
- Ant addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 12/08/2024 (Click for details)
- Ant addiction awareness drive in collaboration with P.A.C. E foundation 05/08/2024 (Click for details)
- Multi diagnostic screening camp for Talegaon Dabhade Municipal Council (Nagar-parishad) 01/08/24- 07/08/2024 (Click for details)
- “ National Oral hygiene Day celebration “ Oral & Dental screening 01-08-2024 (Click for details)
- “ National Oral hygiene Day celebration “ Oral & Dental screening (Click for details)
- Multi diagnostic health check-up camp 27/06/2024 (Click for details)
- Multi diagnostic health check-up camp 26/06/2024 (Click for details)
- Specialist Dental Camp at UHTC, Talegaon (D) 17/06/2024(Click for details)
- Specialist Dental visit At Rural health centre Sudumbare 05/06/2024 to 19/06/2024 (Click for details)
- Specialist Dental Camp at UHTC, Talegaon (D) 06/05/2024 (Click for details)
- World No Tobacco Day celebration 31/05/2024 (Click for details)
- Specialist Dental visit At Rural health centre Sudumbare 03/04/2024 , 17/04/2024 & 24/04/2024 (Click for details)
- World Oral Health Day celebration CME on Dentistry with BLS workshop 20/03/2024 (Click for details)
- Specialist-visit-at-Urban-Health-centre-talegaon-Sep-09 (Click for details)
- Street play on the occasion of Aazadi ka Amrut /mahotsav from department of Dentistry 28/07/2023. (Click for details)
- Oral health screening camp 29/03/2023. (Click for details)