Activities Dermatology


  1. Active participation in various public health awareness programme.
  2. Active leprosy referral centre working twice a week in collaboration with state government(ADHS) first of its kind in the state providing all required facilities to leprosy patients.
  3. Organized a guest lecture by DR.Vinay Kulkarni(MBBS,MD,FAMS(DV) Diploma N.B.,AAHIVS)and the topic was HIV Medicine-Systemic manifestation recent investigations & treatment dated 26/09/2018.
  4. Organized a CME by Dr.Anil Patki-Senior consultant Dermatology-Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital the topic was Diabetes Mellitus & skin.

Academic activity conducted in the Department.

  1. Conducted 8th Annual research conference 20/12/2019(‘Leprosy-Past, Present and Future’)at MIMER Medical College ,Talegaon(D),Pune.

Clinical Activities

  1. Non-invasive investigations-KOH mount,Z.N.stain,Gramstain,Tzanck smear,Woods lamp examination.
  2. Invasive investigations: Skin biopsy,Slit skin smear,Nail biopsy.
  3. A number of minor procedures are carried out.
  4. Regular weekly visits to urban and rural health centres.