Our Inspiration

Prof. Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad – an eminent educationist having a teaching experience of more than 40 years in College of Engineering as an Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor, is a man of great vision who is totally committed to the development of technical education and the cause of raising the qualities of life for the Indian masses. He was awarded the Doctorate in Philosophy and Education by the International University of Washington.
He is the founder of various initiatives such as World Paece Dome, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, WORLD PEACE CENTER of MAEER’s MIT, Pune, UNESCO CHAIR for Human Rights, Democracy and Peace, MIT World Peace University Shree Kshetra Alandi Parisar Vikas Samiti, Saint Shree Dnyaneshwara and Saint Shree Tukaram Endowment Lecture Series Trust.
Furthermore, Rev. Prof. Dr. V D Karad has been honored by the various awards such as National award for the year 1992 for the most outstanding work in Engineering and Technical Education for his commendable rural development work in the field of Environmental and Pollution Control at Shree Kshetra Alandi-Dehu, “Madhav – Mandakini Award” for his commendable work in the field of Rural Development – Environmental and Pollution Control at Shree Kshetra Alandi – Dehu in Pune district for changing the outlook of these holy places. He has been a member of various organizations of national international repute.
From Founder’s Desk
Welcome to MAEER’s Faculty of Medicine. In this era of digital technology, the world is at your fingertips. The concept of Global Village is progressing towards fulfillment. Information Technology has become the basic necessity. But still there is a wider arena of our country which is deprived of the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter and healthcare.
I am proud that you have chosen to be successful Medical Professionals where in you gain not only name and fame but also the blessings of the troubled, whom you serve. No doubt, it is called a NOBLE PROFESSION. Doctors are the first social workers in society as they serve the ailing – both physically and mentally. A Strong mind is a strong body; this should be the ultimate aim of all.
We recognize the commitment towards the betterment of society and hence, we frequently carry out many Free Medical Camps and provide the latest medical facilities available to the poor and downtrodden at affordable costs through our Medical Colleges and the Hospitals affiliated to them. We, at MAEER strongly believe in the Value Based Educational System and always strive to impart quality education with the base of strong rich Indian culture. MAEER’s teaching profile is a strong indication of innovation and intellectual challenge supported by the world-class infrastructural facilities. This we believe, is the right combination of attaining the latest technology with due respect to our moral values.
We therefore, offer humanity, professionally skilled graduates who have the rare blend of rich technical skills and the dedication for selfless service to society.
Rev. Prof. Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad
Founder & President
MIT World Peace University
Website: http://www.vishwanathkarad.com/