Public Health Dentistry

The department of Public Health Dentistry is dedicated in training of the undergraduate students to look after the community rather than an individual. The department works on the principle of “placing people’s health in people’s hand”. It focuses on the Promotive, preventive and curative aspects of the disease with the help of various outreach programs in the community. The department is concerned with the dental health education of the community, research and the application of the research findings for the prevention and control of dental diseases through community efforts. The department promotes the overall development of the students and education is based on the principle of “Learning
by Doing.”
The outreach programs are carried out on regular basis with the help of mobile dental unit through organized dental camps. The camps are conducted with the aim of making people aware about the oral health, promoting oral health among them and provision of basic treatments such as oral prophylaxis, Extractions & restorations free of cost. The department also conducts School Health Programs which includes the parents, teachers & students’ education about the oral health, fluoride applications and routine oral health check up of the students on regular basis. The ultimate goal of the department is to specifically look after the weaker sections of the community and to focus on overall preventive, promotive & curative aspects of the oral health.