Internet Facility

A digital lab with full Internet facility with latest computer systems is available for students as well as staff members. Here the users can access medical literature published in different journals/periodical and other sources.
Digital Library
College has LCD Projectors, Scanners & Digital Camera. The faculty makes extensive use of computers and the above mentioned aids in the preparation of teaching material. Most of the teachers prepare Power Point Presentations on various topics / concepts and use them as teaching tool. Sometimes Internet aided teaching is also practiced by the faculty of the college. We have CDs/DVDs related to the different subjects of medical sciences in the department libraries. These are shown to the students whenever required. The College has its own website , News and events, staff, alumni, Research Projects, Publications, are uploaded on the website regularly. The campus is well equipped with internet, Wi-Fi, V-Sat based telemedicine departments and e-library, making the teaching system quite flexible. The latest techniques and methods of teaching are used and practiced by MIMER Medical College, Talegaon Dabhade so as to enable the students to learn and understand to the best possible extent. The teaching learning process is made more effective by using information and communication technology (ICT). The teaching faculty of MIMER Medical College is very particular in conducting the interactive teaching-learning sessions through classroom teaching, tutorials, practicals, demonstrations and clinics.