Important Milestones Clinical Research

  1. Timetable 2020-2021 for Departmental activities prepared.
  2. Module for UG Research Course prepared.
  3. Covid Research Consultancy Services- for external faculty/ institutes/ hospitals launched on 21 st May 2020.
  4. Consultancy Services for Inhouse Faculty and students launched on 21 st May 2020.
  5. Format for Submission of Research proposal to Institutional Ethics Committee of MIMER Medical College, Talegaon D prepared.
  6. Departmental website created.
  7. The faculties of the various departments have contributed to prepare a bank of topics for thesis.
  8. 06 Research Projects submitted to the Tuberculosis Association of India for Financial Assistance – 31 st March 2021.
  9. 02 Research Proposals sent to ICMR- Covid 19 – 30 th June 2021.
  10. Discussions of Research Projects with Faculty, Residents and UG students for submission to IEC
    I. 26 th July- 07 projects
    II.5 th Aug-05 projects
  11. Online Training Course on Introduction to Data Analysis, Aug 09-11,2021- 02 faculty sponsored by Institute.
  12. Online Training Course on Demographic Data Analysis for Health Personnel, Aug 23-25,2021- 02 faculty sponsored by Institute.
  13. 2 new members appointed to the Dept of Clinical Research & Incubation Centre
    I. Dr Priyanka Murgod, Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology
    II. Dr. Ashish Arya, Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychiatry
  14. A Working Template for Reviewing a Research Article/ Conduct of a Journal Club prepared by Dr Digant Gupta circulated to all departments. The Departments are also instructed to display the same in the departmental seminar hall for reference during journal club activities. If conveyed in advance about the journal club activity, the Research Consultant/ member from DCRIC can also attend and give inputs.
  15. Online Advance Research Methodology Workshop 22 nd -29 th Nov 2021 conducted by MUHS Nashik. 6 faculty sponsored by Institute.
  16. Online Training Course on Statistical Analysis using Epi Info Software, NIHFW New Delhi 13 th – 15 th Dec 2021, One faculty sponsored by Institute.
  17. Online Workshop on Healthcare communications, NIHFW New Delhi 15 th -17 th Dec 2021. 3 faculty members and 11 nonteaching staff attended the workshop. Institutional sponsorship given.