Activities Surgery


  1. Guest Lecture 14 November 2024(Click for details)
CME on Pancreatic Disorders and Management
Participants: 235 Delegates

The dept. of Gen. Surgery participated in the conduct of CME on “Pancreatic Disorder and Management” on 11th July 2021. MIMER Medical College was the academic partner for this event. 235 Delegates was participated for workshop. Dr. Sachin Naik, Dr. Tushar Khachane and Dr. Mandar Doiphode from dept of surgery are the members of executive committee of Pune Surgical Society and hence were the part of the organizing committee of the event. Dr. Sandesh Gawade was the coordinator for MMC Credit point and 1 credit point were approved for the programme.
The CME programme had 4 Panel discussions on :

  1. Acute Pancreatitis
  2. Neuroendocrine tumours of pancreas
  3. Chronic pancreatitis
  4. Pancreatic tumors

The panelist and moderators were renowned GI surgeons form Pune.
The CME was addressed by chief guest Dr. Abhay Dalvi (President ASI) and Dr. Rajendra Gaveriwal (President MASI).
Dr. Sachin Naik and Dr. Tushar Khachane were the member of scientific committee for the programme and coordinated sessions on acute pancreatitis and ca pancreas.
Dr. Suchitra Nagare, Executive Director of MIMER Medical College was the guest of honor for the inauguration ceremony.


The dept. of General Surgery organised CME programme on “Haemorrhoids Master Class” in the form of a webinar on 24th July 2021. Along with live surgeries. A pre CME seminar was also conducted on 23rd July 2021, where Dr Sachin Naik, Dr.Tushar Khachane, Dr. Nikhil Phadke sir delivered lectures preparing for the CME.
The Live surgeries and lectures were transmitted from the operation theatre and Sushrut hall at MIMER Medical College & B.S.T.R. hospital.
11Post graduate students from our college are attended the Pre- CME programme on 23rd July 2021 as well as the complete CME programme of Haemorrhoids master class on 24th July 2021. Surgical societies across Maharashtra and India were invited and we received an overwhelming response where 1042 delegates were registered for the CME including many postgraduates from all medical colleges. These included 95 delegates from other states. Renowned, faculty from the field of coloproctology performed live surgeries and delivered lectures. The faculty contributing to the CME included:

  1. Dr. Roy Patankar
  2. Dr. Parvez Shaikh
  3. Dr. Niranjan Agarwal
  4. Dr. Sameer Rege
  5. Dr. Sanjay Kolte
  6. Dr. Jaysingh Shinde
  7. Dr. Pradeep Sharma

Dr. Sachin Naik (Organizing Chairman) and Dr. Tushar Khachane delivered lectures. Dr. Sandesh Gawade (Organizing secretary) coordinated the surgeries in the operation theatre. Dr. R. N. Bharadwaj and Dr. Sudhir Dube moderated the sessions along with the invited faculty. The activity was accredited with 2 credit points from Maharashtra Medical Council.
The inauguration of the programme was done in presence of executive director Dr. Suchitra Karad-Nagare and was followed by release of an e-compendium on Haemorrhoids. This will be sent to the registered delegates.

Groin Hernia Trainee Master class- workshop on 2nd October 2021.

The dept of Gen. Surgery organised CME programme on “Groin Hernia Trainee Master Class” in the form of a webinar on 2nd Oct 2021. The live surgeries and lectures were transmitted from the operation theatre and Sushrut hall at MIMER Medical College & B.S.T.R. Hospital. This covered 5 surgeries including Basic open Hernia repair up to advanced laparoscopic repairs. Surgical societies across Maharashtra and India were invited and we received an overwhelming response where 630 delegates were registered for the CME including many postgraduates from all medical college. These included 26 delegates from other states. Renowned, faculty from the field of HERNIA performed live surgeries and delivered lectures. The faculty contributing to the CME as above mentioned. Dr. Sachin Naik (organising Chairman) delivered lecture. Dr. Tushar Khachane (organising secretary) anchored the sessions. Dr. Sandesh Gawadd coordinated the surgeries in the operation theatre. Dr. R. N. Bharadwaj and Dr. Sudhir Dube moderated the sessions along with the invited faculty. The activity was accredited with 2 credit points from Maharashtra Medical Council.

The inauguration of the programme was done in presence of executive director Dr. Suchintra Karad-Nagare. The entire CME has been uploaded on Youtube channel for benefit of everyone.

February 2020.
  1. Conducted Hands on Cadaveric dissection workshop on 22nd
  2. The department of Surgery has conducted Hands on Cadaveric dissection workshop on 22nd February 2020.
  3. There were 16 participants, which included residents from MIMER Medical College, Shrimati Kashibai Navale medical College and Arm Force Medical College, Pune in our college & Hospital campus.
  4. All participants were quite happy to observe the nice arrangement from anatomy department, cleanliness, audio- visual arrangement & guidance at the time of dissection.
  5. The dissection included thyroid, parotid neck and inguinal anatomy and its relevant surgical importance.
Hands on Cadaveric dissection workshop on 22nd Feb 2020

The department of Surgery has conducted Hands on Cadaveric dissection workshop on 22nd February 2020.

There were 16 participants which included residents from MIMER Medical College, Shrimati Kashibai Navale medical College and Arm Force Medical college, Pune in our college & Hospital campus.

All participants were quite happy to observe the nice arrangement from anatomy department, cleanliness audio- visual arrangement & guidance at the time of dissection.

The dissection included thyroid, parotid neck and inguinal anatomy and its relevant surgical importance.

Johnson & Johnson workshop on wheels

Two Days programme with various hands on practical session with Johnson & Johnson workshop on wheels.
Day 1 :- 09/12/2019 Dr. Sushma Sharma, HOD of OBGY introduced digitations and taken course over suture practicum and laparoscopic suturing techniques and Laparoscopic MTP techniques.
Day 2 :- 10/12/2019 Dr. Sachin Naik ,HOD surgery welcome and introduced the dignitaries and taken course overview and knotting techniques, suturing and sutures.
Multiple task of laparoscopic procedure were taught including laparoscopic knotting and suturing also open task of knotting and methods of open surgical knotting and suturing and demonstrated abdominal wall closure techniques.

Suturing & Knotting Workshop on 15th April 2019

As a part of post graduate teaching programme, dept of surgery organized ‘Surgical knotting & suturing workshop on 15th April 2019 at Sushrut hall, first floor building,
Event had four lectures with hand on practical session.
63 Delegates was attended the workshop.
Dr. Sushma, Head of OBD & Gyn Dept welcomed and introducedthe dignitaries and delivered of lecture on surgical knotting and also demonstrated different types of knots.
Dr. Sachin Naik, professor & head surgery enlightened to delegates on Bowel anastomosis and urinary bladder suturing with hands on training.
Dr. Gajanan wagholikar gave a talk on “Laparascopic suturing” with training on endo trainer.
Dr. Mandar Doiphode gave a talk on Gastro intestional steplers.
Event was also graced by Dr. Suchitra Nagare, Exe. Director, and Dr. Dilip Bhoge (Head, Medicine Dept) Dr. More (Medical Suprintendent) Dr. Mubarak Khan (ENT HOD), Dr. Shushma Sharma, Professor OBGY and other faculties.
Dr. Samadhan Kshirsagar proposed vote of thanks mention the workshop was very beneficial to all post graduate students.

Basic Surgical Techniques held on 28th and 29th August 2019

As A part of post graduate teaching programme, dept of surgery organized Hands on Workshop — Basic Surgical Techniques held on 28th and 29th August 2019.

Two days programme (Attached) with various lectures with Hands on practical sessions.

On 28 h August 2019 -24 PG residents and 29th August 2019 – 27 PG Resident form surgery & orthopedics departments attended the workshop.

On first day Dr. sachin Naik, Head of surgery department welcome & introduced the dignitaries and taken course overview and knotting techniques, suturing and sutures, use of Diathermy. Dr. Nikhil Phadke took session on theatre etiquettes. Dr. Tushar Khachane delivered a lecture on Bowel anastomosis, Dr. Sandesh Gawade took a session on use of staplers and Dr. Sandip Tadas(Vascular Surgeon)on vascular repair.

On Day 2 – Dr. Darpan Maheshgauri, Asso. Professor in orthopedics took orthopedic session. Dr. Atul Gowardhan, Plastic surgeon took session on Tendon Repair Dr. Sachin Naik, HOD Surgery taken abdominal wall closure. Dr. Nandkishor Raut on bladder repair, Dr. Tushar Khachane delivered and demonstrated on MAS.

Dr. Pawan Dharurkar proposed vote of thanks mention that workshop was very beneficial to all Post graduate students.

Workshop was appreciated by all delegates attending it.

Dr. Sachin Naik promised to conduct such academic activities on regular basis in future.

Suturing & Knotting Workshop on 21st Feb 2018

As part of postgraduate teaching programme, dept. of surgery organized ‘Surgical knotting & suturing workshop’ on 21st February 2018 at sushrut hall, 1st floor, OPD building.
Event had four lecture with hands on practical sessions.
96 delegates was attended for the workshop.
Dr. Sushma Sharma, Head of OBS and Gyne department welcome and introduced the dignitaries and Dr. Sachin Naik (Prof & Head, Surgery) delivered a lecture on surgical suturing and knotting with hands on training.
Dr. Mandar Doiphode and Dr. Tushar Khachane took a session on bowel anastomosis and urinary bladder suturing with hands on training.
Dr. Gajanan Wagholikar gave a talk on “Laparoscopic suturing: with training on endo trainer.
Dr. sandesh Gawade and Dr. Sachin Naik took a session on gastro intestinal staplers .
Question, Answers and review of concepts session taken by Dr. Sachin Naik.

Genito-urinary reconstructive surgery – 1st live Surgery workshop

The dept. of General Surgery organised Genito-urinary reconstructive surgery – 1st live Surgery workshop on 21st and 22nd April 2018 along with Kulkarni Center for Reconstructive Urology and International Society of Reconstructive Urologist. International Society of Reconstructive Urologist was established with the main aim of conducting a Live Urethroplasty Workshop.
The committee decided to conduct the first workshop at Dubai and Doha which was postponed due to technical reasons.
The workshop was then awarded to Pune and was successfully conducted on April 2018 by Kulkarni Center for Reconstructive Urology along with Surgery Department of MIMER Medical College, Talegaon D Pune. More than 575 delegates from 20 countries attended the Live urethroplasty workshop. Dr. Guido Barbagli, Dr. Anthony Mundy, Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni, Dr. S S Bapat, Dr. Ganesh Gopalakrishnan and Dr Pankaj Joshi demonstrated Urethroplasties to the audience.
It included complex cases and case discussions. The panel discussion on PFUDD was a star attraction.
The Live surgeries were transmitted from the operation theatre of Kulkarni Center for Reconstructive Urology to conference venue- Swami Vivekananda Auditorium MIT Pune.
The inauguration of the programme was done in presence of Dr Vishwanath Karad, Founder and Executive President of MIT Institutes & World Peace University.

Suturing & Knotting workshop 2016
  1. As a part of post graduate teaching programme, dept of surgery organized ‘Surgical knotting & suturing workshop’ on 7th oct. 2016 at skill lab, dpet. Of Surgery
  2. Event had three lectures & two Hands on practical sessions.
  3. 12 PG residents and 2 senior residents along with faculty member attended the workshop.
  4. Dr. Sachin Naik, Head of Dept welcomed & introduced the dignitaries and delivere of lecture on surgical knotting and also demonstrated different types of knots.
  5. Dr. Arun Jamkar, Director of PG enlightened students on suturing in surgery materials.
  6. Dr. Tushar Khachane gave a talk on “Intestinal anastomosis” and also demonstrated on sheep intestinal also.
  7. Event was also graced by Dr. Suchitra Nagare, Exe. Director, & Dr. Dilip Bhoge(Head, MedicineDept, Dr. More (medical Superintendent) Dr. Mubarak Khan (ENT HOD), Dr. Sushma Sharma, Professor OBGY and other faculties.
  8. Dr. Saurabh Nikumbh proposed vote of thanks mention that workshop was very beneficial to all Post graduate students.

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture Conducted by Department (Click for details)

Workshop organized:

Endoscopy workshop (Oct. – Nov. 2015) at dept. library for post graduate students of Surgery & Medicine Dept.

Health camps conducted in last one year

  1. 23 /5/2016 to 26/5/2016 – Piles /Fissure / Fistula /Chronic constipation
  2. 6/6/2016 – Hepatitis
  3. 10/6/2016 – 11/6/2016 – Endoscopy
  4. 4/7/2016 to 9/7/2016 – Hernia/hydrocele/ Thyroid /cholelithiasis/ soft tissue swelling
  5. 12/7/2016 – Plastic Surgery

Other information – :

  1. Started doing ERCP procedure from February 2016
  2. Started doing diagnostic & therapeutic endoscopic & colonoscopy procedures from 2015.
  3. Started Neuro surgery & pediatric surgeries since 2015.
  4. Famous Minimal Access Onco-Surgeon Dr. Puntambekar performed laparoscopic esophego gastrectomy in May 2016.
  5. Dr. Kalpesh Patil (Peadiatric Surgeon) performed1) A unusual presentation of pyometra&pyocolpos in 5 months female child. 2) Laparscopic spinal niddle assisted repair of hernia 4th case in pune on 4 year old female child.

Special Activities

  1. Minimally invasive surgery has been introduced in the Dept. of Surgery.Laparoscopeic procedures are performed successfully on a routine basis now, the commonest of them being laparoscopeic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy.Similarly endoscopes procedures diagnostic as well as therapeutic have been started.Sclerotherapy of esophageal varices, variceal banding, esophageal dilatation for achalasia are some of the procedures which have been introduced now.
  2. Patient needing chemotherapy can be offered the same in the department of surgery. Many patients have been successfully treated with chemotherapy now.
  3. 3. The professional post graduate activities are conducted on a regular basis and include case presentations seminars and professional discussion.