Activities Pathology
- Guest Lecture ” The Influence of Evolving Diagnostic Modalities on the Management of Hematolymphoid Malignancies”.by Dr. Sarang Waghmare. 24/3/2025(Click for details)
- UG Symposium- “Cancer Conclave- Engage & Educate” On Occasion of World Cancer Awareness Day 4thFeb 2025(Click for details)
- Quarterly meeting of IAPM Pune chapter.13/12/2024(Click for details)
- International Pathology Day -“The rise of global Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)”. 6/11/2024(Click for details)
- Guest Lecture “Minimal Residual Disease in Haematolymphoid malignancies” by Dr Sarang Waghmare was organized on 28.08.2024
- Blood Transfusion Orientation Program – Best Practices for Safe Blood Transfusion for Nursing Staff, Nursing students, Interns & Residents. was organized on 5.7.24, 11.7.24, 20.8.24 & 21.8.24
- On the Occasion of World Blood Donor Day in association with Mission Zindagi team Awareness Program & Quiz Competition was organized for IInd MBBS students on 15.06.2024
- On the Occasion of World Blood Donor Day- Outreach Activity ( Rally & Pelage taking ) was carried out In Brahmanwadi on 14.06.2024
- Training & Demo of Ezi PREP Liquid Based Cytology was organized on 20.05.2024
- Peer talk session – “Sharing the Secret of Success”: An Interactive session with the toppers of Pathology in IInd MBBS MUHS Exam (Winter 2023) Speakers: CBME Batch 2021-2022 was organized on 06.05.2024
- Training program for Mindray 6 part Hematology Analyzer- BC6000 & Urine Analyser Uriplus 600 for Laboratory Technicians (CCL) was organized on 27.04..2024
- On the occasion of World Cancer Awareness Day An E- Poster Competition for IInd MBBS Students was organized on 19.2.2024
- Demonstration of Jamshedi bone marrow biopsy needle- hands on training by BD was organized on 19.01.2024
- PG Orientation Programme was organized on 30/10/2023 orient newly joined JRS about the department.
- Celebration of World Bioethics Day on19th October 2023.
- Celebration of International Pathology Day -““The Impact of Climate change on Disease & what can be done to tackle the challenges on 8.11.2023
- Peer talk session – “Opportunities For Pathologists In Today’s Healthcare Scenario” by Dr. Deepal Kendre, was organized on 11.9.2023
- Demonstration and hands on training of DiaSpect Tm– Hb estimation was organized on 5.9.2023
- DEMO OF DIGITAL MORPHOLOGY AND STAINER by HORIBA Medical was organized on 27.6.2023
- On the Occasion of World Blood Donor Day on 14th June 2023 World Blood Donor Day- Extension Activity ( Rally by students for blood donation & Awareness talk) was carried out in Chikhalse
- Guest Lecture “Interpretation of CBC Report from Automated Cell Counter” by Dr Rumma Mnchanda was organized on 3.3.2023
- On the occasion of World Cancer Awareness Day A Meeting & Discussion on DST Project was organized on 2.2.2023
- PG Orientation Programme was organized on 20/05/2020 t2 orient newly joined JRS about the department on 15/12/22
- Celebration of International Pathology Day -“Role of Pathology in the field of Medicine & Recent advances in Pathology on 09/11/22
- Celebration of Janjatiya Gaurav Divas & Birth Anniversary of Bhagwan Birsa Munda- on 15/11/22
- Guest Lecture – "An approach to endoscopic mucosal biopsies from the upper GIT” by Dr.Saranya Singaravel on20/09/22
- Guest lecture on “ Cervi tester : A smart & portable screening device for AI assisted automated diagnosis of Cervical cancer in low resource settings”in collaboration with Dept of OBGY was organized on 28/09/2022.
- CME on “Recent Trends in Hemocytomorphometry was organized on 21/06/2022.
- PG Orientation Programme was organized on 20/05/2022 orient newly joined JRS about the department
- On the Occasion of World Blood Donor Day on 14th June 2022 World Blood Donor Day- Extension Activity ( Rally by students for blood donation & Awareness talk) was carried out in Nanoli Tarf Chakan
- On the Occasion of Haemophilia Day on 18th April 2022 an Haemophilia Day Activity was organized for 1st MBBS students in association with Dept of Physiology & Dept of Paediatrics.
- On the Occasion of World Cancer Awareness Day on 7th February 2022 an ESlogan competition was organized for MBBS students as well as interns. The theme for E-Slogan competition was “Cancer Prevention”.19 students participated in the activity.
- On the occasion of International Pathology Day Guest lecture was organized on “Navigating Hematology – From basics to cutting edge by Dr. Sameer Melinkeri on 15/11/2021.
- Guest Lecture on Training Programme for Mindray BC – 6000 was organized on 25/06/2021.
- On the Occasion of World Blood Donor Day on 14th June 2021 a talk by Dr. Vijaykumar Powar , Asst. Prof. (B.T.O.) on awareness regarding Blood Donation for Non-teaching staff of this institute was arranged by Dept of Pathology and Garware Blood Center. Topic was Blood Donation –A Social Responsibility.
- On the Occasion of World Blood Donor Day on 14th June 2021 an E-poster competition was organized for MBBS students as well as interns. The theme for Eposter competition was “Give blood and keep the world beating”.26 students participated in the activity.
- PG Orientation Programme was organized on 03/11/2020 to orient newly joined JRS about the department.
- COVID 19 Training for class III and class IV Employees was organized on 30/04/2020 by Dr. Rajendra Zope ( Asso Prof ) & Dr. Gauri Metkar( Asso Prof ).
- Guest lecture on ‘Introduction to Digital Pathology’ was organized on 24/02/2020.
- Guest lecture on ‘Histomprphology of infective lesions’ by Dr. Sharda Rane(Professor at BJMC, Pune ) was organized on 20/02/2020.
- Guest lecture on “Innovation in laboratory testing for better patient care” by using dry chemistry technology was organized on 19/02/2020.
- CME on “Aiming towards safe blood transfusion” was organized on 20/12/2019.
- 8th Annual Research Society conference was organized on 20/12/10 in collaboration with Dept of Microbiology & Skin & VD .
- Bee-Lean Process excellence workshop was organized on 20/11/2019 for Faculty, Residents & technicians.
- Guest lecture titled “Approach to Thrombocytopenia” Dr. Sameer Melinkeri, was organized on 27/09/ 2019.
- Guest lecture on ‘Approach to anaemia’ by Dr. Sameer Melinkeri was organized on 28/09/2018.
- CME was organized on “ Advanced Clinical Parameters of Haematology Analysis on 01/07/2017.
Health Camp conducted by Dept. of Pathology
Campus Conducted by Dept. of Pathology (Click for details)
Co-curricular activities
The faculty is actively involved in organizing conferences, CMEs, and guest lectures
Department organized “Autopsy workshop” on 27 & 28 February 2015 attended by 125 delegates
The Department of Pathology organized a CME on ‘Transfusion Medicine’ on 12th August 2012. Eminent speakers included Dr. Dilip Wani, Dr. Purnima Rao, Dr. Smita Joshi, Dr. Sameer Melinkeri, Dr. Atul Kulkarni and Dr. S. R. Joshi, who spoke on awareness regarding safe blood transfusion and rational use of blood components.
The Department of Pathology was actively involved in organizing the 2nd Annual Research Society Conference held on 3rd August 2013.
Extracurricular activities
The faculty members actively take part in annual conventions and other cultural events arranged by the institution.