Achievement Dentistry

Department of Dentistry has launched the advanced procedures of Pedodontics such as

• Root canal treatment of deciduous teeth.
• Space maintainers and habit breaking appliances for children.
• Stainless steel crowns for deciduous teeth
• Apexification of deciduous teeth.


Dr. Subhash Japtiwale

1. Japtiwale S, Bhusari B, Zade V. Pyogenic granuloma case report. GDPF DMJ. 2009.1(3)
2. Japtiwale S, Bhusari B, Mahajan S. Depigmentation- a way to create an esthetic smile. GDPF DMJ. 2009.1(3)

Dr. Ajay J. Jog

1. Jog A, Dsilva I. Clinical effects of minocycline loaded microcapsules in chronic periodontitis. J Indian Soc Periodontology. 2001;4(3)
2. Jog A, Lokhande R, Dsilva I. Reduction in halitosis measured with halimeter, comparision between Povidine- iodine and chlorhexidine mouthwashes. J Indian Soc
3. Jog A, Keshav. Periodontal disease as a risk factor for pre term low birth weigth newborns. Journal of ACPM research society. 2010;4.

Dr. Harsh K. Desai

1. Desai HK, Andrade NN. Transport Distraction Osteogenesis: A Boon in Mandibular Reconstruction. J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. (2017) 16(Suppl 1):S1–S284.
2. Nerurkar S, Andrade N, Mathai P, Desai HK. Trends in Paediatric Ameloblastoma Management: A 47 Years Institutional Experience. J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. (2017)
16(Suppl 1):S1–S284
3. Andrade NN, Rajpari K, Mathai P, Aggrawal N, Nerurkar S, Desai H- Intra-muscular haemangioma of the masseter: A Clinical Update and Differential diagnosis of a Rare
Entity [Journal of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery]
4. Andrade NN, Desai HK, Choudhary Y. Lingual schwannoma – A rare tumor in a common location. Guident. Dec 2019, Vol. 13 Issue 1, p54-57. 4p.
5. Andrade NN, Desai HK, Gandhewar T. Pocket of Teeth – Brief Review of Literature, Differential Diagnosis and Management Options. Guident .Jan2020, Vol. 13 Issue 2,
p27-32. 6p.
6. Andrade NN, et al. Is dermis fat arthroplasty better than plain gap arthroplasty? A prospective randomised controlled trial. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
7. Dr. Prajwalit Kende, et. al. ―Management of Sarcomas of Head and Neck from Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Prespective.‖ IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences
(IOSR-JDMS), 20(01), 2021, pp. 10-17.
8. Kende PP, Sarda AS, Desai H, Landge J, Nimma V, Varte V. Complications of distraction osteogenesis: Narrative review. Oral Surg. 2021;00:1–11.
9. Kende, P.P., Wadewale, M., Ranganath, S. Desai H. et al. An In Vitro Evaluation of a Novel Design Z Plate for Fixation of Mandibular Symphysis and Parasymphysis
Fractures—A Finite Element Analysis. J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg. (2021).
10. Kende P, Wadewale M, Mathai P, Landge J, Desai H, Nimma V. Role of Superficial Cervical Plexus Nerve Block as an Adjuvant to Local Anesthesia in the Maxillofacial
Surgical Practice. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 May 15:S0278-2391(21)00423-7. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2021.05.005.
11. Kende P, Wadewale M, Landge J, Desai H, Nadkarni S, Kri M. ‘Temporomandibular joint hematoma nerve block’-a new technique in management of mandibular condylar
fractures. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 Jul 9. doi: 10.1007/s10006-021-00987-3.

Dr. Anuja Kamble

1. Kamble A, Jabin Z, Agarwal N, et al. Effectiveness of Oral Probiotics in Reducing S. Mutans Count in Caries Active Children: A Comparison With Chlorhexidine And
Herbal Mouth rinse (Hiora®). Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15(S-2):S207–S211.
2. Published a book named “Pit & fissure Sealants and Fluoride Varnish”, with the renowned LAP Lambert academic Publishing in 2020. ISBN 978-620-0-50750-1
3. Dr. Anand A, Dr. Kamble A, Dr. Waikhom N. Surgical removal of a Mucocele in 8 year old child with 6 months follow up: A case report. Dental Expressions. 2019;
4. Dr. Agarwal N, Dr. Jabin Z, Dr. Anand A, Dr. Kalita S, Dr. Kamble A. A comparative evaluation of different techniques for microleakage reduction of Zirconomer
restorations in primary teeth. Int J Dent Sci Innov Res. 2019; 2(6): 686-693.
5. Dr. Agarwal N, Dr. Jabin Z, Dr. Anand A, Dr. Kamble A, Dr. Kalita S. Evaluation and comparison of microleakage and shear bond strength of Cention N, Nano-filled
composite and Ketac molar for restoration of primary molar teeth. Int J Dent Sci Innov Res. 2019; 2(6): 710-715.

Dr. Mohini Dharmadhikari

1. Bhide V, Dr.(Mrs). Hazarey P, Atram H, Kale G, Waghmare S, Dharmadhikari M. A Comparative Study of Accuracy in Bracket Positioning With Modified Height Bracket
Positioning Gauge and Boonegauge: In Vivo Study. Int Jr Med Sci Cur Res; 2019, 2(3), 132-41.
2. Atram H, Chaudhari K, Akhare P, Kumar A, Jaiswal N, Dharmadhikari M. Assessment and Comparision of Gonial Angle in Panoramic Radiograph Compared To Lateral
Cephalogram in Adult Patient with Class I and Class II Malocclusion. Int Jr Med Sci Cur Res; 2020, 3(6),380-86.
3. Kutemate R, Akhare P, Agrawal D, Kale G, Bhide V, Dharmadhikari M. Assessment of total treatment time, pulp vitality, root resorption and crestal bone height in
patients treated with corticotomy assisted as compared to conventional orthodontics at the completion of treatment. Int Jr Med Sci Cur Res; 2020, 3(6),672-85.
4. Akhare P, Jaiswal N, Atram H, Kumar A, Chaudhari K, Dharmadhikari M. Assessment of Awareness, Attitude, Knowledge and Barriers with Regard to Evidence
Based Practice among Orthodontists. Int Jr Med Sci Cur Res; 2021, 4(1), 23-32.
5. Akhare P, Dharmadhikari M, Atram H, Kumar A, Jaiswal N, Chaudhari K. Comparison of Commercially Available Nickel Titanium Preformed Archwires With The
Common Archform Found In Indian Population.Int Jr Med Sci Cur Res. 2021; 4(1), 67-76.
6. Atram H, Chaudhari K, Atram D, Kalokhe S, Jaiswal N, Dharmadhikari M. Intrusion Mechanics in Orthodotics03-04-2022 A Review. Eur Journal of Molecular and Clin Med.
2021; 8(3), 624-32.
7. Published a book named- Orthodontic Pain: Clinical Management. ISBN number 9786203582024

Dr. Gayatri D More

1. More G, DSouza D. The New Normal- Renewed Practice of Oral Health care in a Post- coronavirus Disease World. MIMER Medical Journal.2020;4 (2)
2. More G, Dsouza DSJ. Redefining Medical Practice for the Next Decade. MIMER Medical Journal.2019;3 (1):7-10
3. Nayak P, Pratinidhi SA, More G, Zope R. Association between DMFT Score and Iron Studies in children up to 12 years. MIMER Medical Journal.2017;1 (2):18-22