Infrastructure Central Research


Sr. No. Name of the equipment Make in Sr. no/Model No.
1 pH meter Lab India PICO Sr. No. PH17520661
2 Mini Centrifuge Remi RM-02 Plus
3 Vortex mixer Remi CM-101
4 Analytical Balance Metler Toledo ME204 Model No. – IND/09/12/421 Sr. No. – 2737021044
5 Circular shape Water bath – 5 Lit Meta-Lab Model No. – MSI – 24
6 Centrifuge Remi R-4C Sr. No. – ZDCN – 09313
7 Magnetic stirrer with hot plate Remi 5MLH Sr. No. – ZDDY-11539
8 Digital Spinot with hot plate Tarson Model no. MC02Sr. No. – D1601562
9 Hot air Oven Meta-Lab i-therm-AI-7481
10 Ultrasonic cleaning system Life care Fast Clean MT- 3 Sr. No. – 2K1701001
11 Rotamantle Lab-HOSP
12 Water purifier system Merck Direct – Q
13 CO2 Incubator Thermo scientific
14 Ductless Bio safty Cabinet Techpannacea
15 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Agilent Technologies Cary-60 Product No. – G6860A Sr. No. – MY17200001
16 Fluorescent Microscope Lab IndiaZeiss/td> AXIO Observer 3
17 PH electrode Euthech
18 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Agilent Technologies Cary Eclipse
19 Probe Sonicator Labman PRO 250
20 Microplate Photometer Thermo Multiskan FC
21 Rocking shaker Tarson Rockymax