General dentistry
- Aesthetic Restorations
- Posterior Restorations
- Root canal Treatments for (Anterior and Posterior Teeth)
- Selective Grinding/ Coronoplasty
- Oral Prophylaxis
- Routine extractions of Teeth
Prosthetic Dentistry
- Complete Dentures
- Removable Partial Dentures
- Fixed Partial Prosthesis( Crown and Bridges)
Oral surgical and Maxillofacial surgical Procedures
- Surgical removal of wisdom tooth( Disimpaction)
- Secondary Alveoloplasty
- Oral Biopsy
- Operculectomy
- Dry socket management
- Removal of salivary duct sialolith
- Apicoectomy
- Incision and drainage of Dento-alveolar abscess and fascial spaces
- Stabilization of Facial fractures ( Bridle wiring)
- Fabrication of silicon splints
- Reduction of TMJ dislocation
- Intra-articular Injections in the TMJ
- Intra- oral Injections for OSMF
- Re-implantation of Avulsed tooth
Pedodontic and Preventive Treatments
- Pit and fissure sealants
- Fluoride application
- Glass ionomer Restoration
- Aesthetic Restoration
- Pulpectomy
- Pulpotomy
- Apexification
- Apexogenesis
- Space maintainers
- Habit breaking appliances
- Management of crowding of teeth
- Management of trauma to the anterior teeth
- Re-plantation of avulsed tooth
- Extraction of Deciduous teeth under Local anaesthesia
- Management of un-cooperative and anxious children under General anesthesia and oral sedation
- Stainless steel crown
- Counseling and treatment of Special children
- Oral prophylaxis
- Parent and patient counseling for good oral hygiene
- Operculectomy
Periodontal treatments
- Scaling and polishing with root planning
- Gingivectomy
- Treatment of Bleeding gums
- Periodontal flap surgery
- Management of oral mal odor ( Halitosis)
The Department of Dentistry regularly provides free oral hygiene check-up services for the community.
Our staff is actively involved in integrated teaching for the 8th and 9th sem.